練習問題 7.3

以下の関数 change は、お金を「くずす」関数です。

# let rec change coins amount =
    match (coins, amount) with
      (_, 0) -> []
    | ((c :: rest) as coins, total) ->
        if c > total then change rest total
        else c :: change coins (total - c);;

Characters 34-198:
Warning P: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched.
([], 1)
  ..match (coins, amount) with
      (_, 0) -> []
    | ((c :: rest) as coins, total) ->
        if c > total then change rest total
        else c :: change coins (total - c)..
val change : int list -> int list = <fun>

与えられた(降順に並んだ)通過のリスト coins と合計金額 total

# let us_coins = [25; 10; 5; 1] (* アメリカのコイン *)
  and gb_coins = [50; 20; 10; 5; 2; 1] (* イギリスのコイン *) ;;
val us_coins : int list = [25; 10; 5; 1]
val gb_coins : int list = [50; 20; 10; 5; 2; 1]
# change gb_coins 43;;
- : int list = [20; 20; 2; 1]
# change us_coins 43;;
- : int list = [25; 10; 5; 1; 1; 1]


# change [5; 2] 16;;
Exception: Match_failure ("", 143, 2).

以下の2箇所の ... を埋めて関数定義を完成させなさい。

let rec change coins amount =
    match (coins, amount) with
      (_, 0) -> []
    | ((c :: rest) as coins, total) ->
        if c > total then change rest total
                c :: change coins (tatal - c)
             with Failure "change" -> ... )
    | _ -> ... ;;

# change [5; 2] 16;;
- : int list = [5; 5; 2; 2; 2]


exception Failure of string;;
let rec change coins amount =
    match (coins, amount) with
      (_, 0) -> []
    | ((c :: rest) as coins, total) ->
        if c > total then change rest total
                c :: change coins (total - c)
              with Failure "change" -> change rest total )
    | _ -> raise (Failure "change")


let us_coins = [25; 10; 5; 1] (* アメリカのコイン *)
and gb_coins = [50; 20; 10; 5; 2; 1] (* イギリスのコイン *) ;;

let test1 = change gb_coins 43 = [20; 20; 2; 1];;
let test2 = change us_coins 43 = [25; 10; 5; 1; 1; 1];;

let us_coins = [25; 10; 5; 1] (* アメリカのコイン *)
and gb_coins = [50; 20; 10; 5; 2; 1] (* イギリスのコイン *) ;;

let my_coins = [5; 2];;

let test21 = change gb_coins 43 = [20; 20; 2; 1];; 
let test22 = change us_coins 43 = [25; 10; 5; 1; 1; 1];;
let test23 = change my_coins 43 = [5; 5; 5; 5; 5; 5; 5; 2; 2; 2; 2];;
let test24 = change [5; 2] 16 = [5; 5; 2; 2; 2];;


exception Failure of string;;

Warning 52: Code should not depend on the actual values of
this constructor's arguments. They are only for information
and may change in future versions. (See manual section 8.5)

「コンストラクタの引数の actual values に依拠すべきでない」